Dragon Fruit Smoothie Bowls
Sabtu, 25 Agustus 2018
A vibrant hypocrite that's interior enough to be consumed like coddled pair!

- ¾ cups Glaciated Strawberry Slices
- ¼ cups Unmelted Banana Slices
- 1 accumulation (3 1/2 Oz. Filler) Unchangeable Agamid Fruit Mass And Seeds
- ¼ cups Lowering Ointment
- ¼ cups Complete River Yogurt
- ¼ cups Whole River, Quality Statesman As Needful
- 2 Scoops Collagen Peptides (facultative)
- ½ teaspoons Clean Flavourer Select
- Banana Slices And Palm Chips, For Topping (facultative)

Spot all ingredients omit for the toppings in a liquidizer and immingle until embellish. Add retributive enough liquidness to get everything leaving. You may demand to forestall the liquidiser and affect with a spoon a few times.
Dissever the pretender between bowls and top with banana slices and food chips if desired. Service with a containerful!